Examiner Insight Series

New eBooks for A Level Sociology (AQA)

A Level Sociology (AQA) Sociological Theory: Essays

Methods in the Context of Education Questions

Annual License: £12.95
Author: Keith Trobe
Available: Now

A Level Sociology (AQA) Sociological Research Methods: Essays

Sociological Theory: Essays

Annual License: £12.95
Author: Keith Trobe
Available: Now

A Level Sociology (AQA) Methods in the context of essay questions

Sociological Research Methods: Essays

Annual License: £12.95
Author: Keith Trobe
Available: Now

A Level Sociology (AQA) Crime and Deviance: Essays

Crime and Deviance: Essays

Annual License: £12.95
Author: Keith Trobe
Available: Coming soon

A Level Sociology (AQA) Education: Essays

Education: Essays

Annual License: £12.95
Author: Keith Trobe
Available: Coming soon

Media Essays - David O'Leary - Lindisfarne Press

Media: Essays

Annual License: £12.95
Author: David O’Leary
Available: Coming soon

Available on licence for student and teacher use in a single school, academy or college*

*School/Academy/College network license. This licence permits you to make the resource available in digital form to all student and staff in the subscribing institution. The resource may be distributed via a secure virtual learning environment; however it must not be made available on any public or insecure website or other platform. Can be placed in the institution’s VLE​ The resource may not be distributed to other institutions that are members of the same academy chain or similar organisation; each individual institution must have a separate school network licence.

Annual licence


per ebook

Each eBook...

Is a structured approach to essay-writing in one key topic of the current AQA A level Sociology specification

Identifies the range of likely essay questions on each section of the topic

Is packed with insights into effective essay-writing

Offers clear guidance how to show the key skills of Application, Analysis and Evaluation

Is ideal for supporting distance learning or supplementing classroom learning​

Has one top grade answer with annotation and commentary for each section of the topic

Explains nuances in questions and indicates pitfalls in question wording

Gives comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the topic

Has 40–50 pages of detailed help

Focuses on exam-board specific essay questions